Tuesday, May 12, 2009

You, Me, and Marley!

Have you seen the movie 'Marley and Me'? It's a movie that I knew would be a 'tear-jerker' and I wasn't wrong. I don't plan to ruin the movie, however, I do plan to give you a snapshot about the movie: it's about a dog and his name is Marley, but it's not just about the dog, it's about the family in which Marley is a part of-it catalogs their journey as a family.
Interestingly enough, it's the ending I'd like to share with you...and I think it transcends the owners words about dogs...I think it has a lot to do with us. Here's the quote: 'A dog has no use for fancy cars, big homes, or designer clothes, a water-logged stick will do just fine. A dog doesn't care if you're rich or poor, clever or dull, smart or dumb, givem' your heart and they'll give you his. How many people can you say that about? How many people can make you feel rare or pure and special? How many people can make you feel extraordinary?'
There's a portion of scripture that talks about how we are all 'LIKE GRASS' and will wither away-meaning our time here on Earth isn't very long.
So I think it's time that we chewed on the above quote...think about how God doesn't care if you're rich or poor, clever, dull, smart or dumb and that if you give Him your heart, He will give you His. I mean yeah, there are those in our lives that have made us feel rare, pure, special, and even extraordinary, but even those very people have made us feel disappointment, hurt, angry, lost, and uncertain. While we cannot protect ourselves, just know that all things come to an end-even good things.
I'm just curious as to whether or not we have an appreciation for the time we have been given...are we truly doing enough-our part when it comes to truly 'loving one another' as God instructed us to do or are we still in denial and going through the motions?
So the challenge is...write a list of those who have made you feel like you're on top of the world and then cross out their name if they've ever let you down. Because friends come and go and trust can be broken, but God will give His heart to you if you're willing to give Him yours...


Holly said...

wow honey bunches, yes that was a great movie, even though i balled my eyes out!!! Pretty sure i was a broken faucet!!! I would agree with you on the quote, especially living in today's world, so many people are superficial and its sad. A dog truly is a man's best friend, i wish more friends would be like that. I'm SO glad we have a forgiving loving God who is none of the above, superficial, hurtful, ect. Thanks for the reminder that HE is always there and will never leave as long as we keep Him in our hearts Thanks again! Nice job on relating this to a wonderful movie!!! :) I U

Chris said...

here is a comment from someone other than your wife!