'Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us.'
-Marianne Williamson
'For my yoke is easy and my burden is light'.
-Jesus (Matt. 11:30)
Many of us know what it's like to live in darkness-feeling separated from God. We can all relate to feeling alone, broken, afraid, and lost. We can also feel deep down within us a yearning for more in this life. Many of us have searched to fill that void with careless relationships-giving more and compromising everything to attain and eventually keep it. Whatever we choose to chase to fulfill our need at that time only reflects our need feed the 'me' in life.
Think about it...if we 'follow our heart' in every situation, we will continue to fail if we don't seek God first. Our heart isn't His heart and he wants so much more for you and I, but we have to let Him in...we have to give up our control. You and I know what lies down the road when we do things our way-it leads us into more failed relationships, half-hearted attempts, and a more 'righteous' anger towards God. The funny thing is...we're not righteous in our anger towards Him. In fact, He is the one who has a right to be angery with us.
You and I continually squander the blessings God has given us and we've become so blinded by our own pursuits and goals that we expect God to bless us. *Below is a video of Jad Dean. He talks about this very thing, but he also talks about how God spoke to him through the 'dark' time in his life...
So lets dig in deep here...we need to recognize that sin separates us from God-which means it also keeps us from thinking or seeing things clearly. We've all blamed someone else for something we did or didn't do-whether it's our brother or sister, our co-worker, or family member. The reason we did such a thing was because we had convinced ourselves we weren't to blame-that we had no part in the act.
David writes in Psalm 51:5-17 about sin and how God wants us to be broken and how He doesn't reject a broken spirit. In the last blog post I mentioned how interesting it was that we blame or give God credit for all the nasty things that happen...that during times that are good-He's often forgotten. Lets not forget God in our daily lives.
I think that onces you and I are willing to accept our situation-sometimes our own delusional thoughts we can move on and see things clearer. In 1st John 1:5-10 we find out that God is light and that nothing is hidden from Him. When we convince ourselves as Christians that God doesn't know...we're only lying to ourselves. In fact, if we say we have no blame or better yet, no sin...we are liars and the truth is not in us. How does that make you feel? *Knowing that you're a liar and that when it comes to your relationship, your situation, what you claim isn't true at all.
So what darkness are you walking in right now? What secret are you hiding from your friends, family, and co-workers? What is holding you back from accepting it, letting go of it, and being free from it? God doesn't want us to walk in darkness anymore and we don't have to.
My prayer is that you take up His invitation...for His yoke is easy and his burden is light...lay down your crown-that one you bestowed upon yourself and see just how far you can go-how much you can achieve with God's true blessing.
Enjoy the video below...I hope it changes the way you view the lie to 'follow your heart'-choose to follow God's heart.
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