Sunday, June 23, 2013


Today was a mixed day for the youth as an accident shook them to their very cores. While the youth were busy working on their sites (four different ones) the rest of the world was still in motion, as it should be, and lives were changed (in more ways that one). 
Without going into detail, three youth group members (back in SD) were involved in an accident which ended with one in the hospital fighting for his life. While it's never easy to get a phone call with that kind of news, I knew it was time to pull our crew from their sites to break the news. After I had finished sharing the sad news tears, gasps, and moans filled the room as shock took over. 
One might think that this would mark the end to our mission trip, but as you can see, the youth galvanized under a Spirit of Hope that only God could provide. In the midst of their pain, their brokenness, and the uncertainty, they found strength in each other. What's even more uplifting is that they were supported by the other youth group members too. They came down to support them with their presence and prayers. 
I am proud of this group. The youth leaders and I, from Plank and from Nebraska are all proud of this group as they have now become one. Yeah, we arrived in different vehicles (bus or vans) and started from different parts of the Midwest (Plank, Omaha, & Lincoln), but we have unified as the church in the Hope found in God's awesome promises through Christ. 
Friends, continue to pray for these youth along with the youth (and their families) who were involved in the accident earlier today. Pray for healing, pray for strength, and pray for patience in the midst of that which seems so uncertain. And most of all pray for hope for this kind of hope is not merely wishful thinking but a HOPE of certainty-that we can be His hands and feet. 

1 comment:

pitcher12k said...

Wow...that is so sad and so difficult :( It is also really strange because a similar sort of deal happened in Fremont earlier in June. Four high school students were in a bad car accident, only one survived..not good :(

As you said though, it is always good to see people not fall into despair and see the hope that only God can and does provide! I'm really glad to hear that your group united instead of breaking apart after this tragedy!