We are making one last push and plea for your support as we seem to have come to a crossroad. Currently, we have raised nearly $5,000 but the cost of our plane tickets alone will cost upwards of $6,000 and that doesn't include the cost of hotel, food, and other travel expenses while we're there. It is with a heavy heart that I write this in that it seems as though we may have to postpone our reunion until we raise enough funds. To be clear this isn't just about sending Holly, Noah, and I to the Philippines for a reunion it's about bringing some relief too. We have already sent over $1,000-which has hurt our efforts to purchase plane tickets, but considering the needs over there, at the time, it was the right choice.
Currently, Holly and I are planning to use our savings to make up for the ticket prices but aren't confident about what will be left to cover bills while we are gone. So we are asking for prayers that God will provide and that folks might come through-especially those who might be considering it or maybe haven't heard.
As an update on my folks, they are doing well considering and my mom has heard from all of her siblings! Now we turn our attention to the rest of the family and the people of the Philippines. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers-it has been a stressful time for us, both emotionally, professionally, and spiritually.
Finally, please know that we are grateful for everyone who has already given and for those who have gone above and beyond and continue to contribute as they are able. We give thanks for those who have and continue to raise awareness by sharing our story and our request for funds. We are blessed and appreciate all your efforts.
If you know someone who might be willing please share the link below. And if you haven't already donated prayerfully consider it. Simply click:

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